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The Stealth Dangers of Our Soft Despotism and What You Can Do to Fight Back
Alexis de Tocqueville warned of government usurping powers and curtailing liberties by a subtle, deceptive series of actions

“It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence: it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

–Alexis de Tocqueville

French politician and historian Alexis de Tocqueville introduced the concept of “soft despotism” in his 1835 book, “Democracy in America.” Soft despotism refers to a situation where a government, while appearing to be benevolent and democratic, gradually erodes individual liberties, making citizens increasingly dependent on the state. This leads to a loss of autonomy and a weakening of civil society.

Does any of this sound familiar?

De Tocqueville, like many of our nation’s founders, knew from recorded history that many governments, even when established with the best intentions, over time slide toward tyranny. This is especially true for a straight democracy based on majority rule, especially if a slim majority becomes vindictive, weaponized, unjust, or immoral. After traveling through America on an exploratory mission, de Tocqueville saw a unique danger in the novel experiment of the constitutional republic our founding fathers had constructed and promised.

Rather than outright enslavement or directed military campaigns against citizens that violate government tenets, he saw a potential for a “soft despotism” that might use deceptive tactics to chip away at liberties and weakening individual freedoms under a facade of (taxpayer-funded) “government programs to help others” or with benevolently titled acts of overreaching legislation. Who wouldn’t support the Affordable Care Act or the Patriot Act – especially when the government’s most complicit tool, the globalist-owned media, bombards us with state-approved propaganda or contrived distractions designed to prevent thorough examinations and public debate of laws before they are passed, or spending bills before they are deployed?

De Tocqueville believed that citizens might voluntarily surrender their freedoms to an all-powerful government in exchange for material comfort, convenience, or the promise of security, ultimately leading to a loss of political liberty and individual autonomy. Had he watched the slow drip over decades, then the full-on storm that slammed ashore in America during and after the Covid operation, I’m sure he would be flabbergasted at how closely our reality matches his prediction.

We the people must stop getting caught up in the newest manufactured chaos or hysteria at the insistence of the intel-run media and captured political actors. We need to gain our own equilibrium, assess what we are hearing and seeing, and trust our God-given intuition more than ever in the face of obvious subversion and outright, manipulative lies.

But these complicit voices always leave out the most important aspect of all: we the people, individually and united, still do have the true power! The soft despotism being carried out by a group of globalist oligarchs and their public-private partnership, self-anointed stakeholders – that seem to be running as if they are a parent company above the government and our nation – can be defeated if we the people are honest with ourselves and each other about where we are and how we got here. We were lulled into complacency, apathy, or just exhaustion by any number of crises or life itself, and forgot to heed the warning that eternal vigilance and civic engagement were mandatory if we wanted to keep the Republic intact.

The great news is larger numbers of people are realizing that we are purposely being divided, instigated to fight each other, and given fake issues on which to pick sides in order to make it impossible to see that we all share a real, common enemy. That enemy is threatening the freedom, privacy, and sovereignty of every citizen of the United States and beyond, equally regardless of race, class, religion, or any other grouping.

Power for power’s sake over everything is their end goal, and they’re no longer trying to hide it. In conferences and public documents, this supranational class of billionaire bankers and their ilk publicize their plans to consolidate all natural resources, wealth, surveillance, control, truth, justice, and power. The only thing stopping them is the same thing they truly need to achieve their “sustainable global goals:” a willing 8 billion individual humans to break down from the organized chaos, give up in exasperation, and surrender to their will; walking ourselves into the digital, totalitarian-surveillance gulag, where we will be unable to escape their utopian dystopia. The audacity is jarring!

When you study this as much as I have, read their own documents and websites, watch their videos from Davos or COP conferences or any of the other lavish planning events they promote, and investigate their motives and plans in depth, it all becomes rather outlandish and absurd. Who anointed these people? They have no position or authority beyond their own insistence. It is all based on the premise that people are weak, easily manipulated, disposable, and need to be managed or eliminated in order to achieve the vision that they tell each other is theirs to create. It's not. How audacious and ridiculous.

Once you dig in and inform yourself by using their own sources, it becomes empowering beyond belief. You can decipher their newspeak and upside-down use of language immediately. You question their fake fact-checkers and ridiculous, controlled search results and “trusted” news sources like it’s a game. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it, and at this point in history, billions of people from America to Europe to Asia to Africa and beyond are seeing it clearly. They’re not going to take it anymore. People are stepping up and getting involved everywhere you look.

I often say they are not after America; they are after the world, and America is in the way. Namely the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the people of this country who are endowed by our creator with not only inalienable rights, but with a kick-ass spirit ingrained in our DNA that loathes bullies and values strength, honor, and dignity. Embrace this moment in time as a catalyst to be your best, most empowered, and most purposeful self; engaging in the cause of freedom against soft despotism and creeping totalitarianism everywhere you see it! What a time to be alive!

Commit today to get educated and actively involved in your community’s political landscape, or find an area you are passionate about where soft despotism is rearing its head and find your voice and purpose to become a force for positive change in that area. Stand up for every individual’s rights and fundamental freedoms. Freedom of speech, religion, self-defense, and association are not to be infringed, and if they are you can be the beacon of light that stands in the way.

Invest in regularly exercising your own oversight of your local government’s activities online or in person, and actively support measures and legislation that restrict your local government's ability to encroach on personal liberties or infest your community with unconstitutional surveillance. Fight for government transparency and the separation of powers, investigate and publicize any attempt at obfuscation, and find like-minded folks to create a network of knowledge around you.

Once you engage on the path towards individual sovereignty, decentralization, auto-determination, independence, and liberty the brushfires of freedom begin to burn all around you. Light them brightly and boldly, and let them inspire you towards a better future for yourself, your family, and for all of us who share the dream of a more perfect union ahead!

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What Did You Do When Liberty and Privacy Were on the Chopping Block?
Our founders understood history and crafted a structure of government to limit its potential to abuse, but only if we the people remain engaged and keep it in check

Our founders held a deep reverence for the principles of liberty and privacy, recognizing them as the bedrock upon which a free and just society must be built. They understood that these rights were fundamental to the growth of the human spirit and a prosperous, thriving society. They knew that the protection of these sacred rights could not be entrusted solely to a government or an external authority, and that even the checks and balances instituted within their documents would not be enough to prevent abuse. Instead, they believed that it was the duty of every citizen to actively participate in the defense of liberty and privacy against any threat of tyranny; a bond among the people to be each other’s keepers.

The commitment to individual responsibility was rooted in the understanding of the nature of power and its tendency to corrupt, supported by centuries of recorded history of those in power abusing or enslaving their subjects. They understood that even the most well-intentioned government, if left unchecked, could devolve into despotism, gradually eroding the very freedoms it was meant to protect. This is why they designed a system of limited government to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch, individual, or, in the case of America in 2024, a superseding, unconstitutional private-public partnership controlling the government. It’s this illicit fourth branch that wants to shift us into an oligarch-dominated, global-governance tyranny in order to consolidate all wealth, resources, and information, while ending the proud history and sovereignty of nation-states that do not fit into their goals.

Most Americans still believe that liberty and privacy are not rights bestowed upon us by some government, but inalienable rights of being free people in a free country. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are backstops in cases where either the people or the nation is threatened to be usurped. Yet where we stand right now, with nearly every institution of the federal government on board with throwing the entire history of our nation into the dustbin for the “fundamental transformation” that Obama explicitly promised and continues to actively work toward, we are closer than ever to falling into a totalitarian-leaning, one-party control system and a totally different, unrecognizable America.

The shocking vote to expand the unconstitutional Big Brother surveillance state (the warrantless 702 is the tip of the iceberg in how fully encompassing the mass surveillance of citizens has grown) spawned from the very unpatriotic Patriot Act was further evidence that a captured uniparty is no longer representing the best interests of the people of this nation, nor our constitutional rights. The initial Patriot Act was hoisted upon a devastated public after 9/11 without much pushback or focus on its vast, vaguely defined new surveillance programs. Once Obama and Holder entered the picture, they openly turned the original infringements on our privacy into a full-blown weaponized system, focused on targeting political opposition (so-called “domestic extremists”) and everyday traditional Americans who did not support their fundamentally transformed, UnAmerica America. Not to be outdone, the current regime under Obiden (who was one of the original writers of the Patriot Act well before 9/11) has tripled-down on the unconstitutional overreach and expanded its surveillance cooperation to include foreign spying agencies and multiple globalist NGOs. The situation is rapidly aligning with the goals of Agenda 2030, and, if We the People do not fully understand this is the end goal, before we know it we will be trapped in a surveillance state. We may never be able to escape that.

We live in an age of unprecedented technological surveillance and control. Our personal data is constantly being collected, analyzed, and monetized by corporations and governments alike, often without our knowledge or consent. The very notions of privacy and individualism are under siege, as the boundary between public life and private life becomes increasingly blurred, with hostility.

These threats are real and they’re here, right now. So it is more important than ever for us as individual citizens to take an active role in the protection of all that we hold dear. This means educating ourselves about the actual stakes we are facing, staying informed about the policies and practices of the government and the private sector, showing up in person wherever you can to participate actively, and fighting for positive change and course-correction through peaceful, productive means when necessary.

It also means, unfortunately, changing habits and using encryption and other privacy-enhancing technologies to safeguard our personal information and communications. It means tamping down what you put online when using Big Tech platforms, most of which liaise with or are at least supportive of the fourth branch, the numerous globalist think-tanks, U.N. tentacle agencies, or the current regime’s expansive administrative agencies. Their intrusive violations of our rights and freedoms will continue until the safeguards undergo desperately needed reforms. And, it means supporting organizations and initiatives that fight for freedom, starting or joining local action groups to dismantle the creeping Agenda 2030 goals, and holding our elected officials accountable when they ignore or fail to uphold their oath to preserve the Constitution.

As our founding fathers knew, the defense of liberty and privacy requires a willingness to speak out and take a stand, even in the face of adversity or opposition. Together, our individual voices and actions, raised in defense of freedom, will be the most powerful force for positive change. Each of us must see ourselves as a beacon of liberty, inspiring others through our words and actions to stand against the threats we face – by those we have elected and, even more, those we have not.

As we face the technocratic totalitarianism ahead, we need to reject any manufactured division and understand that the end of freedom is the true threat to everyone, regardless of perceived differences. Each of us must become the guardians of liberty and privacy that we all believe we deserve. We decide our future, not unelected bureaucrats or greedy financial interests looming above the government. Stand up from the inside, fearlessly speak out against tyranny, and wield the greatest weapon we have of all – the truth! God has our back, the nation is grounded in the spirit of freedom, and it is up to us to defend it now and forevermore. Onward!

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Applying a Timeless Pearl of Wisdom to Counter Today's Manufactured Chaos
Confused? Disillusioned? The Serenity Prayer’s restorative power brings peace, clarity, and conviction to help all of us in this fight for freedom

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

After having some time to reflect on what matters most to me over Easter weekend, I kept coming back to the always-centering Serenity Prayer. The Serenity Prayer repeatedly has been helpful in my own life, and I believe it can be a grounding, guiding force for all Americans who cherish our great nation and the freedoms we hold dear during this chaotic time in our history. Its timeless wisdom encourages self-reflection, inspires courage, and suggests a path forward as we work together to preserve our nation and our freedom.

When we look around to see division and manufactured chaos coming at us from all sides in efforts to weaken our resolve and to have us willingly surrender our promise, our liberty, and our privacy to a supranational, global, public-private partnership that has seemingly captured our government, it can get overwhelming. The “crises” and fake-news headlines are meant to demoralize and threaten us, but that is up to you, not the agents of chaos.

The simple truths of the Serenity Prayer remind us that as human beings and Americans, we have an incredible power: the power to choose how we respond to what is happening. By asking for the serenity to accept the things we can’t change, we give ourselves the freedom to focus on what really matters — cherishing our loved ones, investing our time and energy in our communities, and actively showing up wherever we feel our gifts and purpose can best be used to be positive change agents in this all-hands-on-deck effort.

Now, accepting what we can’t change doesn’t mean sitting it out or waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting! Not even close. The prayer is meant to inflame the raw courage to change the things we actually can. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more American than rolling up our sleeves and getting to work to make a difference in our sphere of influence. Whether it’s volunteering our time to ensure honest elections, supporting local farms and businesses, or stepping up to run for office, the options for involvement are endless.

The key is knowing where to focus our energy. That’s where the wisdom part comes in — figuring out what we can change and what we can’t. By being smart about how we direct our efforts, we can make the biggest positive impact on our communities and our country. Sure, there is a tremendous amount of work to be done, but take that as a call to duty by zeroing in on what you individually can do. We can accomplish incredible things, just as those who fought for freedom in 1776 did before us.

Let the Serenity Prayer be a reminder of the unshakable hope and resilience that define the American spirit that lives within every single one of us. Believe the truth that no matter what challenges come our way, we have the strength, the heart, and the wisdom to rise above and keep reaching for that brighter tomorrow. In the enduring words of the prayer, we trust that by staying true to our values, keeping the faith, and working hard, we can make this great nation the very best it can be and strive for that more perfect union. The power of the people — you and me — is indomitable, if we can rise to the occasion! Let’s stop the division and join hands, lift our voices, and make America's future what we the people want it to be!


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